Case Studies


A case study is a research method that involves an in-depth and detailed examination of a specific individual, group, or situation. Participants will be provided with a specific scenario and given background information about a particular aspect relating to their career of interest. View our series of group and individual case studies that highlight careers from a diverse range of industries.

We offer individual and group case studies that help students explore different career pathways. By offering real-world simulations that encourage students to apply their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, we strive to provide exposure to job pathways through a theoretical hands-on approach. Embark on a journey of innovation, learning, and achievement – the keys to unlocking your full potential await within these compelling case studies. Get ready to revolutionize your approach to career exploration!

1. Individual Case Studies

  • A case study is a research method that involves an in-depth and detailed examination of a specific individual, group, or situation. Participants will be provided with a specific scenario and given background information about a particular aspect relating to their career of interest.
  • Every case study is designed to be completed in under 1 hour. Written responses will be submitted through a google form to be graded. All background research will be conducted on your own.
  • Participants must respond to questions and address "Curis principles"
  • Volunteer hours will be awarded upon completion.
  • Refer to "Individual Case Study Guidelines"

Case Studies

2. Group Case Studies (for CURIS Chapters ONLY!)

  • The case studies examine real-world problems and allow students to play the role of stakeholders from different sectors and attempt to solve issues based on the policies and perspectives of their assigned characters
  • Once you have signed up for a case study, you will receive your character assignment, committee, and topics. Every debate provide an information package that introduces its topic and guiding question
  • Participants will meet virtually and conference in a structured way amongst different individuals + sectors
  • Group case studies are very open ended and have no right/wrong answers (more discussion based)
  • Opportunity to network with people from different backgrounds and interests!
  • Refer to "Group Case Study Guidelines"
  • Group case studies can only be completed by chapter members. Please fill in the certificate request form to receive your “Certificate of Participation”.

Case Studies


Completed an individual CURIS case study? Submit your case studies through the following google form!

Be sure to submit your response through the google form and include the Case Number so we can identify which case you completed. Please be sure to submit a separate response for each case study you complete and you are welcome to submit as many cases per month!

CURIS Case Study Submission Form

Our team will be assessing your response and you can expect to hear back from us soon! You will also receive volunteer hours for your work and efforts! Want to get a certificate for your participation? Request a CURIS Certificate!

CURIS Certificates

Completed a group or individual CURIS case study with your chapter? Request a certificate of completion now!

Congratulations on completing the CURIS case study! Commemorate your dedication and success by receiving an official certificate from Curis Connect. Simply submit this form to ensure your accomplishments are recognized and we will email you your certificate shortly! Your journey of learning and growth deserves to be celebrated—act now to claim your well-deserved certificate!

Why get a certificate?

CURIS Certificate Request Form